starting out with java 6th ed chapter 13 exercises

starting out with java 6th ed chapter 13 exercises

Gaddis, T. (2016). Starting out with Java

Complete the following items and submit a zip file that contains the Java source code (.java files) and all supporting files such as image files for each assigned programming exercise.

  1. Find the Error exercise 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on pp. 910-911. Correct the errors and provide a comment documenting what was changed and why (5 X 1pt = 5pts).
  2. Algorithm Workbench – Exercise 1, 3, and 12 on p. 911. Write a small section of code per requirement. You do not need to complete a full program. You are welcome to submit a full program if you would like to test the solutions. (5pts X 3 = 15pts).
  3. Programming Exercise 1 Scrollable Tax Calculator on p. 912. If your program doesn’t meet the requirements, please describe the problems (40pts).
  4. Programming Exercise 6 Cell Phone Packages on p. 914. If your program doesn’t meet the requirements, please describe the problems (40pts).
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