summarize the book s chapters

Please take note of the following Assignment expectations:

Each Assignment has a specific due date identified in the Course Summary at the end of this syllabus.

Each Assignment is to be uploaded as one MS Word file into the appropriate Class identified in the Course Summary.

Each Assignment must conform to the following presentation standards:

Pages must be white, 8.5 x 11 inches.

Type is black, Arial 10 point font; double spaced.

Margins are one inch top, bottom, and left. The right margin is 1.5 inches.

Each page is to be numbered at the bottom right.

Four pages are required for each Assignment. No title page is required.

The first and third pages must include these headings in bold underlined:



The first two pages present your discussion of the assigned reading from “The Fifth Discipline”.

The third and fourth pages present your discussion of the assigned reading from “The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook”.

Grading of each Assignment will be according to the following rubric:

Correct Content = 2 points

Correct Number of Pages = 2 points

Correct Headings = 2 points

Significance of Thought = 2 points

Late Assignments will not be accepted for grading.

to read the books:


PW: nado2010*

And those Pic that I Upload its for helping you to know what subject that you need to read.

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