summary and analysis paragraphs of quot technology and television quot articles 1

summary and analysis paragraphs of quot technology and television quot articles 1

Now that you have read and annotated this week’s articles, please use the following steps to complete this assignment:

Step 1: Using the methods you learned about in “Active Reading Strategies,” from the Week 2 Module, type up a summary of each article. Each summary should be one paragraph, 150-300 words, and include the word count. Furthermore, be sure to introduce the author’s name, article title, and source in the first sentence of the summary. Finally, you must integrate and highlight a minimum of 2 words/phrases from the “Templates & Transitions” handout located in the Week 5 module.

Step 2: Using the methods you learned about in the “T-GAP” handout from the Week 4 Module, the Introduction to Rhetoric lecture from the Week 8 Module, and the Rhetorical Analysis packet from this week’s module, type up an analysis of each article. Each analysis should be one paragraph where you identify the author’s tone, genre, audience, purpose, and rhetorical appeals/strategies, and provide your own opinion about/reaction toward that article. Consider putting key terms such as “tone” or “audience” in bold or underlining them so you can make sure you have included all of the required elements. Aim for about 150-300 words. Once again, be sure to identify the author’s name and title of the article in the paragraph. Finally, you must integrate and highlight a minimum of 2 words/phrases from the “Templates & Transitions” handout located in the Week 5 module.

Step 3: Upload your document to this assignment submission area. Your document should contain a total of 4 paragraphs.

There is a grading rubric attached to this assignment link, which you can view before you submit your assignment.

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