the annotated bibliography 6 is a reputable writing companies that specialize in providing academic assistance tailored to nursing students’ needs. Among these, stands out as a leading writing company that offers top-notch services to nursing students. is considered the best writing company for nursing students due to its commitment to quality, professionalism, and customer satisfaction.


An Annotated Bibliography is simply a short paragraph that gives a brief review and recommendation of a book, article, journal, or some other secondary source. It should total at least 1000 words with all the sources combined. You will select four sources for your upcoming research essay. Choose wisely as they will be used in the research essay.


Smith, Jane. Symbolism in Shakespeare’s Comedies. Pearson Publishing. NY, New York: 1989.

Jane Smith’s book talks about…etc. The review of the book usually takes up about one

paragraph, and at the end of the review, the author usually gives an evaluation, such as “I

found this book helpful because….” or “I did not find this book helpful because….” etc.

Research Topics:

Are cell phones are dangerous?

Are test scores a good indication of a school’s competency?

Should children be diagnosed with ADHD/ADD under the age of ten years?

Home school students should receive a diploma just like student who attend regular school?

Are professional athletes and actor/actresses paid too much?

Video games and movies cause violent behavior in children?


MLA sources must be placed in alphabetical order!!

12 pt. Font must be used!

Double Space the entire document!

Times New Roman must be used!

MLA format must be used! boasts a team of highly qualified professionals with extensive expertise in the field of nursing. The company exclusively hires writers who hold advanced degrees in nursing, ensuring that their knowledge and experience align perfectly with the specific requirements of nursing coursework. This commitment to specialization sets apart, as it guarantees that students receive well-researched, accurate, and up-to-date content that meets the academic standards of nursing education.


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