For this Discussion, review the media titled Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Counseling Session and the readings in the Learning Resources. Consider the medications a psychiatrist might prescribe to treat ADHD. Anticipate possible side effects and issues related to the use of the medication. Determine which medication would be most effective in treating ADHD. Consider alternatives of stimulants to use to treat ADHD.
Post by Day 3 a brief description of the client’s current presentation. Choose a medication that a psychiatrist might prescribe from the various types used to treat ADHD and detail the major action, intended effects, neurotransmitters implicated in its use, and side effects. Explain how you might address issues related to the use of stimulants. Justify your choice based on the client’s presentation and support your position with scholarly resources. Explain an alternative approach to treating ADHD.
I attached the media titled Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Counseling Session in order to complete the assignment