these are 2 assignments plz follow the requirment below

these are 2 assignments plz follow the requirment below

Post a bio and prepare an analysis on policy and strategy Due April 14

Value 5 POINTS

  • Post a Brief biography including your major and your expectation for future goals
  • Prepare two brief paragraphs (one for each subject) outlining yoursuggestions for:
    • How a California company’s domestic policies might have to be adapted or changed to be successful in a new domestic (think USA southern state) or international market – (minimum of 250 words).
    • How a California company’s strategies might have to be adapted or changed to be successful in a new domestic (think USA southern state) or international market – (minimum of 250 words).



Sign up for the 1 page Integrative case analysis Due April 14

NOTE: Only 1 company per student, so if Target has been chosen by someone else then select a different company

  • THINK about the ICA and select aspects of possible policy and strategy implications that apply as you progress through the course and your readings, as well as the self-selected Case Studies. Structuring the data in this manner will build toward the final ICA.

One (1) page, typed, double-spaced Introduction of Integrative Case Analysis

  • Identify the domestic or international market you are taking the product or service from and where you are taking the product or service to
  • Identify the product or service (manufacturing, service, government, import/export, etc.)
  • Draw structural framework (organizational chart)
  • Explain your role in the organization, if any.

– please do not use too many advanced words..

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