Topic 7 DQ 2

Topic 7 DQ 2

Topic 7 DQ 2

Topic 7 DQ 2

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Topic 7 DQ 2

Topic 7 DQ2What are legally required benefits and why are they required by law? Can any of these benefits be waived? Provide an example. Provide one additional benefit that should be made into a legally required benefit.Topic 8 DQ 1How could Christian perspectives prevent an employee from performing their required duties? As an HR representative, what legal and ethical responsibilities do you have to ensure all employees views and beliefs are being considered? Provide an example.opic 8 DQ 2Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Action (AA) are not required in today’s evolved organizational climate. EEO and AA enforce quotas on organizations that must be met during the hiring process, thus hiring unqualified applicants. Evaluate this statement. Do you agree or disagree? Explain.Topic 7 DQ 2You are going to present data that has been collected to your administrative group. The focus is on outcome measures and the data collected is unplanned readmission rates at two different hospitals. What format would you choose to display your data and why? What information would you include with the data?Topic 8 DQ 1What two elements do you believe play the most significant role in sustaining change and why? Support your answer with one or two references.

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