Purpose, Background, Hypothesis
Postural Changes- Data appears in graph formal, Proper labels, units, and title for figures
Excerise- Data appears in graph format, proper label, units, and title for figures, fitness index
Cognitive Stressor- Data appears in graph format, proper label, units and title for figures
Postural Changes (recline, stand, 3min)
Summary of data (Explanation of results)
Results agree or disagree with hypothesis, how so, or why not?
Interpretation & analysis of results
Relate to background information, any points of uncertainty?
Excercise (immediately after, recovery, relate to fitness index)
Summary of data (Explanation of results) How so, or why not?
Interpretation & analysis of results
Relate to background information, any points of uncertainty?
Cognitive stressor (spell forward, spell backward)
Summary of data (explanation of results)
Results agree or disagree with hypothesis, how so or why not?
Interpretation & analysis of results
Relate to background information, any points of uncertainty?
Literature cited (in text citations reference page, APA format used