video and essay on the grand canyon dropbox

video and essay on the grand canyon dropbox

Watch the video from the History Channel: Grand Canyon: How the Earth Was Made.

5 minute video

Essay requirements:

  1. Your name on the first line – nothing else.
  2. Essay typed in 12-font, double spaced with 1-inch margins.
  3. Write a minimum of a full one-page essay summarizing the following:
  4. The main points of the video.
  5. Explanation of how the video relates to Historical Geology.
  6. Most interesting part of the video for you and why.
  1. The essay must be created in an acceptable format for upload to TurnItIN. Word or PDF are the best. DO NOT submit a .pages file (Mac). That will definitely NOT work.
  2. Upload the Essay to this Drop Box
  3. The essay must be reviewed by Turnitin which checks for plagiarism. You must make sure that the essay will open in Turnitin ,
  4. If it does not open in Turnitin, I will not be able to read it and you will not receive credit.

Grading Rubric


Points Available

Essay: A quality summary of the video content is provided


Essay: The relationship to Historical Geology


Essay: The most interesting part of the video to you is included


Essay is a minimum of one full page in length – name, etc., is on a separate title page


Essay is correctly formatted


Essay contains no spelling or grammar errors




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