watch the fish philosophy video sunday morning creative business futures amp world famous pike place fish market https youtu be igwo67vch4u

watch the fish philosophy video sunday morning creative business futures amp world famous pike place fish market https youtu be igwo67vch4u

The video introduces pike place fish market and their four-step philosophy for success. The four fish principles are

1. Play

2. Make their day

3. Be there

4. Choose your attitude

One of the motivational /attitudinal concepts for employees is “choose your attitude” which encourages employees to choose to have a good day and to support coworkers and customer.

Write an essay to discuss following:

Define motivation and discuss how it affects employees behavior in the workplace.

Discuss why the Pike Place Fish Market is such a fun place to work?

What do you think motivates the fishmongers (who work long hours in cold, wet conditions at low pay) to be so cheerful?

What examples of intrinsic motivation are shown in the video?

How might the fish philosophy be applied to motivating you as you work on your final group project for this class?

Essay must be 800-1000 words . Include a cover page

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