watch the following documentary about the history of television

watch the following documentary about the history of television

Watch the following documentary about the history of television. Follow the outline for your written portion.

1-Origins of television technology. Pick one person that is part of the technological development of TV and discuss their contribution and importance.

2- First applications of televison. Select one of the first events and/or applications in televison transmission that stuck out to you and discuss it’s importance.

3 – Business of TV. Select one person, invention, or event from the early era of TV as a new business and discuss how you think it impacted society.

4. Stars of early TV. Pick one of the first personalities of TV that had a popular culture impact then discuss how it changed peoples lives.

Watch Video How Was The First Television Made? | Inventions That Shook The World (1920s) | Spark

Duration: 46:24
User: n/a – Added: 2/22/19

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