what is pharmacology and diverse populations

what is pharmacology and diverse populations

Assessment 3

  • Pharmacology and Diverse Populations

  • Toggle Drawer


    Write for your organization a 3–5-page impact report regarding the health concerns of a new immigrant population. Describe the population’s health concerns and issues, explain current pharmacological treatments, and explain how culture and traditional practices may affect use of pharmacology. Identify evidence-based strategies for the organization and nursing staff to use to educate the population and promote health and wellness.By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Toggle Drawer

    Questions to Consider

    To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.

    • Within your community, are there educational or outreach programs to help specific populations understand health issues and the treatments available?
      • How effective are the programs?
      • How might professional nurses help such programs be more effective?
  • Toggle Drawer


    Suggested Resources

    The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.

    Capella Resources
    Library Resources

    The following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:

  • Assessment Instructions

    Imagine the county health department notifies your organization that a large number of immigrants are expected to be resettled in your area. The organization, wanting to be prepared to handle any health concerns of the population, tasks each department with readying for the influx of immigrants. Your supervisor asks you to prepare an impact report on the pharmacological needs of the population that can be shared with other departments.


    Complete the following as you prepare for your impact report:

    1. Choose one of the global areas below as the area from which the population will be coming.
      • Sub-Saharan Africa.
      • India.
      • China.
      • Dominican Republic.
      • Guatemala.
      • Jamaica.
      • Bangladesh.
      • Saudi Arabia.
      • Pakistan.
      • Mexico.
    2. Research the most common health concerns and issues for immigrants from your chosen global area, the pharmacological treatments that will likely be prescribed, and any cultural values or traditional practices that may impact patient outcomes.


    Once you have identified the population you will be using for this assessment, include the following in your impact report:

    • Describe the health concerns and issues for the population.
    • Describe current pharmacological treatment regimens for the main health concerns and issues.
    • Explain any traditional beliefs and practices associated with the health concerns and issues. Does the population engage in culturally based methods of treating the health concern?
    • Explain how cultural values and traditional practices might affect acceptance and use of prescribed pharmacological treatments. Be sure to consider the relationship between quality patient outcomes, patient safety, and the appropriate use of pharmacology.
    • Identify evidence-based, culturally sensitive strategies the organization can use to educate the population about the correct use of the pharmacology treatments.
    • Identify evidence-based, culturally sensitive strategies the nursing staff can employ with the population to promote health and wellness.

    Write this assessment as an impact report formatted as other reports of a similar nature in your organization or an organization with which you are familiar. Include a title page and reference page and follow APA guidelines for your in-text citations and references.

    Additional Requirements

    • Number of pages: 3–5
    • At least 3 current scholarly or professional resources.
    • Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced font.
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