write a essay about concepts discussed in managerial economics class

write a essay about concepts discussed in managerial economics class

Choose any topic discussed in the managerial economics class and write a 3 – 5 page essay with the following specifications.

  1. Typed – Double spaced
  2. Font Size – 12
  3. Margins – 1 inch (top, bottom, right and left)

The paper should consist of the following:

  • A discussion on your selected topic covering the main points.
  • Atleast one news article related to the chosen topic, showing the application of the concept in the real world. You can easily find such news articles on internet.
  • Write in your own words what you’ve understood from the article(s) and how this relates to what you have learned in the class.
  • The articles should be at the end of the paper, and these should not be included in the page count.

Other Requirements:

  • Title of the paper and Your Name (Top corner of the first page)
  • References (These should be on the last page of the assignment)
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