write a research essay on climate change related issue

write a research essay on climate change related issue

choose a climate-change-related issue that is current and controversial, that affects people who may hold different views. The topic should be broad enough for you to research and find more information. Write relating to the issue of climate change causing the wild fires and how it affects the people of california.

Once you have identified a particular topic, you need to write a researched argument about this issue. This means that you will need to

  • define the issue from a primary source
  • describe the conversation about this issue: What are people saying? How does the issue affect different groups in different ways?
  • analyze the language and assumptions that people are using to talk about the issue so you can understand the bias they may bring into discussions
  • take a stand on the issue.
  • develop a nuanced argument by examining the ideas of those who are on different sides of the issue.


  • 7-8 pages (2100-2500 words)
  • MLA format, double-spaced, 12 point font, with in-text citations and Works Cited
  • At least 4 sources: one should be a primary text about the issue you have chosen, at least one should be an academic source from a discipline-specific book or journal, and two or more can come from newspapers or .gov websites. You cannot count dictionaries or encyclopedias as any of the four sources (you can certainly use these in your paper if you need to, but they will be in addition to the four sources required above).
  • have a very clear thesis statement and underline it
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