writing a paper about gasoline markets

writing a paper about gasoline markets

GUIDELINE: Your paper must be typed, double-spaced, and around five pages in length. Margins should be 1” to 1½”on all sides; font size should not exceed 12 points. (This paper is in 12 font.) Staple together the pages of your paper. Your essay should be in your words. If you must use a quotation, please make sure that it is short. Please use endnotes to cite the source of the material that you use in your paper. Your work will be assessed based on the following considerations: how well you focus on and answer the questions asked in the topic of the paper,specific evidence provided to support your argument,clarity, organization, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

You may go to the website eia.gov(http://www.eia.gov/petroleum/) to do research for the paper. You may want to go to the FAQ section of crude oil (http://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/) to begin your research. You may use other source material. Make sure to cite the source of the material by using endnotes.

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