writing the history of the united states from colonization to reconstruction

writing the history of the united states from colonization to reconstruction

我们研究了自从欧洲人殖民“新世界”以来一直存在的意识形态紧张局势,以及各种观念,目标和经历如何塑造了这个国家在其早期。在您的最后一篇文章中,选择一个美国历史发展的主题,并使用该主题来展示美国如何从殖民时代转变为重建。例如,美国人如何看待诸如政府或奴隶制等特定问题?随着时间的推移,这种观点如何以及为何发生变化?最后,这是什么告诉我们关于美国历史发展的早期阶段?Essay responses should be five paragraphs long and must have an analytical thesis that explains your approach to the essay. That means you must craft an argumentative thesis (one to two sentences) that explains what theme you plan to write about, how the United States changed over time, and the significance of that change. Your first paragraph should serve as a brief introduction that ends with your analytical thesis.

Each of the following three body paragraphs should relate back to your theme and thesis, and should proceed in chronological order. You should focus on time periods/events/issues spanning from the Colonial Era to Reconstruction. Each paragraph should provide specific examples, including historical individuals and events, and references to documents discussed in class. You are using historical information to prove your argumentative thesis.

The final paragraph of your essay should serve as a conclusion, reflecting on the information you presented and tying back in to your thesis. Remember, this is the cumulative portion of the exam – so you should try to show that you’ve reflected on information you’ve learned all semester.

Lastly, this essay shouldn’t be a triumphant narrative or a complete dismissal of the American historical development. The history of this nation is complicated, and your essay should reflect a nuanced and academic understanding of the past.

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