answer the 4 questions within 12 hours from now

answer the 4 questions within 12 hours from now

Below are 4 report about 4 events attended by four of my classmates. Your task her to read what they wrote carefully; then answer the 1 or 2 question from each report (4 questions must be answered 1 from each student’s report) answer each student questions in 50-75 words

Student #1:

The event had 5 speakers who talked about their professional struggles and successes and gave a few tips to stay motivated when pursuing your future endeavor. The topics discussed were:

How to overcome the imposter syndrome, which is where you start doubting all your achievements: To balance this feeling, you should “ground yourself” by creating a list of your of your achievements, write a break-up letter to that negative part of you, and try to remind yourself how important you are (with post-its, notes, diary, etc.)

What’s the best piece of advice you have received: In the speaker’s case, the best advice he received was to be limitless.

Biggest hurdle and what did you learn: Losing a job can be devastating but you must pivont and think “what is my superpower”.

Apply for jobs that don’t exist: Figure out gaps in the organization, try to reach out to people and move-up.

What advice would you give to yourself 5 years ago? First, you need to see if you would still want to be that person. Secondly, be bold, be yourself, remember that no one knows everything and that there is no such thing as perfection.

What surprised you and why?

The event was very good and the amount of assistants really surprised me because the event started at 7:30 a.m. Everybody was in great mood, great spirits, and with a genuine intention to collaborate to make the world a better place… and not only for women!


  • Do you have a piece of advice for when you’re doubting yourself or are feeling overwhelmed with your career/startup choices?
  • How can we all move together to eliminate glass ceilings for women and minorities, especially in tech?

Answers must be 50-75 words

Student #2:

In this workshop I learned the basics of cutting heat transfer vinyl, weeding the vinyl (plastic), and applying it to cloth with special equipment. I liked this workshop because it gives more ideas and a new technique I can use in my project for the class. I had never worked with Vinyl, it needs special printing & cutting equipment which transfer the design (pattern) from the computer to the piece of Vinyl. After that, move it to the fabric by heat, they have a big pressure iron which has a timer and shows the heating degree on a small screen. I asked if it works with normal irons and they told me it is working but need more time, and I have to press it myself. The fabric which has Heat Transfer Vinyl could be cleaned fine in the washing machine but cannot use the dryer because the heat will affect the vinyl.


  • Do you prefer or like printing pattern by heat or do you think it is nonpractical?

Answers must be 50-75 words

Student #3:

What 2 or 3 key ideas did you learn from the event attended?

Difference between incubator and accelerator: an incubator provides the startup with the tools and guidance to get the business going, it generally does not have a duration. Am accelerator is a targeted program with a specific duration to help the startup grow, and it might include an exchange of funds and ownership in the company.

Information about the co-working spaces: The co-working spaces go from very basic – you just arrive and find a seat – to areas that can hold a team. They even have a “Nights & Weekends” program targeted to those individuals that still have a 9-5 job and work on their project only during their free time. The space is open 24/7.

1871 has partners like Latinx Incubator that target more specific causes. I think this is great, it made me realize that there is a lot of help out there and that the hardest step it might just be to get going.

1871 has many mentors from different operational areas. They also have workshops available to members only. Maybe it makes sense to become a member just to have access to them.


  • If you have an idea for a business, what would be the first steps to materialize the business?

Answers must be 50-75 words

Student #4:

The past week I had the opportunity to attend Tech Insights Optimizing Patent Prosecution to Achieve Stronger, More Valuable Patents. Gene Quinn of IP Watchdog was the moderator and Martin Bijman, Director of IP Products at TechInsight and George Pappas, Senior IP Counsel at Volvo Cars were the panelists. Due to the recent patent cases that have change the US patent system, companies are now having to take additional steps to secure their patent strength in the market. Many tools such as the ones offered by Tech Insights are being utilizing in the patent prosecution process to secure strong patents. The panel discuss three ways to create a strong patent. The first being this idea of looking to the marketplace to understand a need and find an area that will have much room to grow. The second factor was this idea of unearthing secondary technology around your primary technology during the patent process. The final factor is to prepare both to assert your patent against infringer’s and to prepare for someone bringing an infringement claim against you.


  • My question would be, in a company where engineers and scientist are looking to patent their ideas for the company, how do you determine a patent strategy that will be beneficial to the the company? Not every idea an engineer or scientist comes up may be worth the cost and endeavor of defending that patent against infringer’s.

Answers must be 50-75 words

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