change management plans

Any change management plan must take into account the culture of an organization. For instance, some organizations prize the inclusion of their employees in all aspects of operations, while other organizations have a top-down approach to management. Creating a plan without taking this cultural background into context can be problematic for the success of a change initiative.

In a 3-5-page paper, search the virtual library to find scholarly articles relative to change initiatives which apply to an organization in the KSA. Assess the cultural elements that you believe may impact the development of change strategies and implementation of change plans. Synthesize the information and discuss challenges and strategies that should be considered to address (or overcome) these cultural elements which could negatively affect the implementation of a change strategy.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 3-5 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.
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