comm110 powerpoint autism and first responders

comm110 powerpoint autism and first responders

create a PowerPoint presentation on: Autism awareness/training for first responders

Please consider the following:

  • Presentation will include an introduction, body, conclusion, and properly formatted reference/work cited slide in the citation style of APA.
  • Clear evidence that the topic was researched and expanded upon.
  • Presentation provides audience with information to increase their knowledge of the topic presented.
  • Presentation engages the audience by using elements such as images, graphs, and charts. Appropriate citations must be included.
  • Three (3) vetted credible sources. One (1) of the sources must be scholarly and from the library. (below are some sources you can use)
    • Article Title:(peer reviewed) The training of New Jersey emergency responders in autism awareness Publishing Information: Police Practice and research Vol. 17 Issue 6, P543-554. 12p.
    • Article Title: Autism awareness for first responders, Publishing Information: EMS World; Vol. 46, Iss. 11, (Nov, 2017): 38-41
    • Article Title: Training First Responders to Respond better, Publishing Information: EP Magazine, Exceptional Parent
    • Autism Speaks web site
  • Appropriate length 7-9 slides.
  • If you have multimedia skills and want to add creative content to your presentation, please do! Try to add any of the following enhancements and as you do, think about how it will impact your presentation and improve communication with the intended audience.
  • Voice narration, closed captioning, script.
  • Appropriate background music (must be cited on reference page).
  • Creative use of slide animations and transitions.
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