complete nursing discission masters level 2

complete nursing discission masters level 2

Discussion: Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Evaluation

A health care organization may have highly qualified doctors and nurses who meet quality indicators for technical quality; however, due to a lack of communication, empathy, and scheduled office hours, patient satisfaction is low. In the corporate world, the phrase “the customer is always right” is frequently used to emphasize the importance of meeting the needs and expectations of the consumer. How does this approach apply to health care?

Health care industries are now using quality improvement models that are very business-centric to improve the quality of care delivery, patient satisfaction, and safety. In this Discussion, you evaluate various quality improvement models and determine which model would best be applied in your practice setting to address a specific need. You also develop a mission statement for addressing the practice problem.

To prepare:

Reflect on the various quality improvement models and their application in health care presented in the Learning Resources.

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each model.

Consider how these metrics facilitate change and improve the management of chronic disease.

Consider how these models have been, or could be, applied in your practice setting.

Based on your selected area of need, define a practice problem and create a corresponding mission statement.

Investigate baseline data, and evaluate why this practice problem is a priority for improvement. Ask yourself: How does this practice problem in my organization compare to other organizations?

By Day 3

Post a cohesive response that addresses the following:

Summarize any practice problem relevant to your setting of interest and share a potential measurable goal for a QI team. Be sure to include the data that justifies why you feel a change is needed in this specific area.

Explain how the PDSA model might be applied , giving specific reasoning as to why this model best fits the needs of your practice problem. Describe how the practice problem you describe might be of interest to any accreditation initiative.

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