cyberterrorism 2

Overview: For this journal assignment, you will respond to questions related to cyberterrorism as a trend. Review the provided articles and complete the assigned textbook reading before you complete the journal assignment.

Prompt: Imagine that you are a leader within the Department of Homeland Security. You are aware of a trend in cyberterrorism and recruitment by terrorist groups such as ISIS. The data presented has shown that the number of people recruited through online communications has grown significantly.

First, review the following articles:

 Obama Says Cyberterrorism Is Country’s Biggest Threat, U.S. Government Assembles “Cyber Warriors”

 Is Cyber-Terrorism the New Normal?

Then prepare a journal assignment that thoroughly addresses the following questions:  How would you identify the pattern described above?

 What are the steps you would take to reduce the influence terrorist groups have via the internet?


Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Your journal assignment must be 4–6 paragraphs with sources cited in APA format. Journal assignments in this course are private between you and the instructor.

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