discussion reply 39

250 word reply with reference

The following statement is one that sounds familiar among discussions of technology in the school systems, “In the eyes of the community, computers in the classroom have come to symbolize a school curriculum that is up-to-date and instruction that is benefiting from the ‘latest technology.’ This is, of course, a silly leap of faith.” There is a constant discussion of technology in the education field. Technology is forever changing and improving in our society, and it cannot be ignored and pushed to the side anymore in school systems. The first part of the statement at discussion, to me, is saying that the community believes a school system is showing growth and progress if they are equipped with the latest technology. I believe it is saying that from the view of the community, the schools are doing well if they are providing the latest technology for students as part of the curriculum and instruction. With our students becoming more technological savvy with each year, I do believe that it is important that a school system try to stay “up-to-date” with technology in the schools because of the technology-filled world we live in and because technology can be beneficial to the learning process. “Technology in many forms is changing the way we acquire and analyze information. Technology can be a pathway to improving learning for students in our informational society” (Chapin, 2013, p. 20). Technology can be truly a wonderful resource in the classroom in so many different ways. It can open the classroom up to a whole new world of information at a click of a button. However, it is still important to remember that it is not the all-ending measure of a school’s success. I do believe that this is what the last part of the statement is referring to when it says, “This is, of course, a silly leap of faith.” I believe this last part of the statement means that just because a school has all of the latest technology available including the best online curriculum, it does not mean that it is an achieving school or that the school is doing any better than the school down the road that is not able to afford It is a leap of faith to rely on the schools up-to-date technology as the standard of success. It takes a lot more than just technology. For sure, up-to-date technology can make a huge difference in a school, but it takes a well-trained staff to know how to use the technology to their advantage. It takes strong teachers to teach the students, and it take strong administration to support the school in the best ways possible. All of that combined symbolizes a school that can benefit from the latest technology.


Chapin, J. (2013). Elementary social studies: A practical guide (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

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