hotel and lodging industry snapshot of the region ireland

hotel and lodging industry snapshot of the region ireland

The region is Ireland.

a. Types of Properties: Outline the unique and/or overall general characteristics of the hotel and lodging industry in the Ireland to be visited. a. Please consider: i. The presence of independent, chain hotels and single owner inns. ii. Unique forms of lodging, such as castle hotels in Ireland, residencias in Cuba, etc.

b. Hotel Guest Description and Analysis: Describe the visitors to the Ireland and their reasons for travel. a. Please consider: i. The primary motivators/generators for tourist and business travelers to the country/region. ii. The nationalities and percentage breakdown of inbound foreign visitors. iii. Amenities and services. What types of amenities/services can and should hotels provide in order to provide an excellent experience for domestic and international guests?

c. Employees Description and Analysis: Describe the employees found working in the hotel industry in the Ireland. a. Please consider: i. Cultural background of the employees. Are the employeesworking in hotels likely to be locals or from a variety of cultures? ii. View of hospitality industry work. Is this a region in which hotel industry jobs are competitive and sought after or difficult tofill? iii. Management styles. What management styles are preferred in this country? Is this different or similar than what you have experienced or learned about in the US?

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