information technology project proposal

information technology project proposal

GA1 Group Assignment #1: Project Proposal. Prepare a term project proposal. ( I AM RESPONSIBLE TO WRITE ABOUT PROJECT ORGANIZATION, 1 PAGE)

The proposal should be in the form of a single, comprehensive, professional, business like report. All project proposals should be submitted in the assignment area of the designated group leader. Length is 5 or more single spaced pages (10 double spaced) . It should clearly demonstrate that your team has thought through your project and is working well as a project group.

General Requirements– An Overview

Generally, the system should be safe and secure from a data management point-of-view. Highly sensitive data is handled by such systems and hence the comfort-level related to privacy and safety issues need to be addressed aggressively. The system should ensure efficient flow of information that provides interdepartmental support to the establishment, functional and process integration, be adaptable and flexible from a user perspective, and last, but not the least, be standards-based to ensure interoperability in terms of syntactic, semantic and process.

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