Informative Outline on Postpartum Depression

Informative Outline on Postpartum Depression

Immediate Purpose:

Long Range Goal:


I. Attention Getting Material

II. Establish Listener Relevance

III. State your ethos

IV. State the thesis

V. Preview the body

(Transition to the body)

I. Main Point

A. Sub point

1. Sub subpoint

2. Sub subpoint

3. Sub subpoint

B. Subpoint

C. Subpoint


II. Main Point

A. Subpoint

B. Subpoint

C. Subpoint

1. Sub subpoint

2. Sub subpoint


III. Main Point

A. Subpoint

1. Sub subpoint

2. Sub subpoint

3. Sub subpoint

a. Sub sub subpoint

b. Sub sub subpoint

B. Subpoint

C. Subpoint

1. Sub subpoint

2. Sub subpoint

(Transition to the conclusion)


I. Summary of main points

II. Clincher

Note: Your Works Cited page belongs on a separate sheet of paper that is attached to the outline.

Be sure to use MLA’s eighth edition as you create in-text citations and your Works Cited page.

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