module case study plg1 risk assessment and decision making case study

module case study plg1 risk assessment and decision making case study

Write a module case study of an aviation accident in regard to risk assessment and aeronautical decision making concepts:

Go to the NTSB Web site (链接到外部网站。)链接到外部网站。 and select one aviation accident report that particularly interests you. Review the Factual Information chapter (do not review the Analysis, Conclusions, or Recommendations chapters) of the Full Report (not the Summary). Then analyze and evaluate the circumstances of the accident by creatively applying the concepts of risk assessment and aeronautical decision making to determine how the crew did and/or did not properly apply those concepts to the flight operation prior to and/or during the event. Assess how they could have better applied those concepts to change the outcome of the accident. As always, support your work with a reliable source(s).

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