my research topic is recycling on college campuses

my research topic is recycling on college campuses

You will write an argumentative research essay that is between 1000 and 1500. In the essay you will make a focused argument about how the strategy, which in most cases should be more narrowly defined then it is in the list, either helps or does not help people be more sustainable. You must clearly pick and defend a side in your essay. You must use at least four secondary sources to support your argument. At least three of your sources need to be scholarly books or need to be scholarly article you found in databases through GALILEO. At least one of these three sources must be a book. You can at most use only one web or video source. If you do, it still needs to be credible. You must use at least four direct quotes in this essay, but will most likely need more. You can at most use one block quote, but most of your direct quotes and paraphrase should be brief. You should have between two and five pieces of evidence, direct quotes or paraphrase, in each body paragraph. With this essay, you must include in-text citations and a works cited done according to MLA format 8th edition. The works cited page is essential but does not count toward your 1000-1500 word count. You must include at least one piece of opposing evidence and a refutation of that evidence. Your audience is a skeptical, formal academic audience. You cannot use the first person, second person, or contractions in this essay.

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