report on mobilising and sustaining continuous creativity and innovation

report on mobilising and sustaining continuous creativity and innovation

Learning outcomes:

On completion of this unit you should be able to:

1- Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding

•Demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical appreciation of theories and models of creativity, innovation and change management in the context of contemporary organisations.

2- Demonstrate the following skills and abilities

•Synthesise individual and organisational theoretical perspectives to systematically promote the potential for creativity, innovation and change in practice.

Required to do in this assignment?

Both assignments are located in the context of (Petroleum Development Oman) to ensure relevance. Building on your recommendations from Assignment 1, critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise how creativity and innovation might be mobilised and sustained in the context of your work organisation (Petroleum Development Oman).

  • You are required to critically analyse, evaluate and synthesis how to mobilise creativity and innovation to support continuous innovation in Petroleum Development Oman. For example, application of climate models, and creative leadership in taking ideas forward through strategies, processes and the development of innovation capabilities that are directly aligned to sustain continuous innovation.
  • You will then need to demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical appreciation of the process of creativity and innovation drawing on contemporary theories to support your evaluation and synthesis.
  • You will develop a plan to promote creativity and innovation in the context of Petroleum Development Oman supported by contemporary quality academic perspectives. You will need to include an in-depth literature review critically evaluating alternative contemporary perspectives in order to draw meaningful conclusions and develop feasible recommendations.
  • Use a case study of your own choice.

*** Words count = 1500 words.

*** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style.

*** I have uploaded my first work file named “Assignment 1”.

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