short story analysis 3

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Write an analytic response to a SHORT STORY from Lesson 3 in the textbook . (Do not use a poem or a play.)

An analysis of a piece of literature focuses on the deeper meaning of it. Some people call this “reading between the lines.” Analysis includes identifying the tone, setting, purpose, figurative language, symbolism and theme of a piece of writing to grasp the underlying meaning. (These six literary terms are explained below.)


  • PARAGRAPH 1: To begin, you should have an introductory paragraph that states the STORY’s title, the author and provides a brief background on it. The last sentence in your first paragraph is your thesis statement and should tell your audience what the remainder of your essay is going to include. For example: This essay will examine (story’s title) by (author’s name) and how the author has used literary elements in creating this _______ story. (fill in blank with an adjective)
  • PARAGRAPHS 2, 3, 4: The body of your paper should be 3 paragraphs that focus on all or some of the six literary elements listed above. As you craft your body paragraphs, be sure to use direct quotes from the text to explain your examples.
  • PARAGRAPH 5: Your last paragraph should conclude by wrapping up your entire piece and restate what your essay is about. Finally, tell your reader what we should know after reading your analysis.


  1. Tone – The tone of a literary work is the writer’s attitude toward his or her audience and subject. The tone can often be described by a single adjective, such as formal or informal, serious or playful, bitter or ironic.
  2. Setting – The setting is where and when the story takes place
  3. Purpose – What was the author hoping to accomplish or communicate in writing this story?
  4. Figurative language- Figurative language is writing or speech not meant to be interpreted literally. It is often used to create vivid impressions by setting up comparisons between dissimilar things. Common figures of speech are metaphors, similes, and personification.
  5. Symbolism – A symbol is a character, place, thing or event that stands for something else, often an abstract idea.
  6. Theme – A theme is a general message or insight into life revealed through a literary work. It is basically what the writing suggests about people or life.
  7. Assignment 3_8: Short Story Analysis

    Write an analytic response to a SHORT STORY from Lesson 3 in the textbook . (Do not use a poem or a play.)An analysis of a piece of literature focuses on the deeper meaning of it. Some people call this “reading between the lines.” Analysis includes identifying the tone, setting, purpose, figurative language, symbolism and theme of a piece of writing to grasp the underlying meaning. (These six literary terms are explained below.)HOW TO WRITE YOUR 5 PARAGRAPH ESSAY

    • PARAGRAPH 1: To begin, you should have an introductory paragraph that states the STORY’s title, the author and provides a brief background on it. The last sentence in your first paragraph is your thesis statement and should tell your audience what the remainder of your essay is going to include. For example: This essay will examine (story’s title) by (author’s name) and how the author has used literary elements in creating this _______ story. (fill in blank with an adjective)
    • PARAGRAPHS 2, 3, 4: The body of your paper should be 3 paragraphs that focus on all or some of the six literary elements listed above. As you craft your body paragraphs, be sure to use direct quotes from the text to explain your examples.
    • PARAGRAPH 5: Your last paragraph should conclude by wrapping up your entire piece and restate what your essay is about. Finally, tell your reader what we should know after reading your analysis.


    1. Tone – The tone of a literary work is the writer’s attitude toward his or her audience and subject. The tone can often be described by a single adjective, such as formal or informal, serious or playful, bitter or ironic.
    2. Setting – The setting is where and when the story takes place
    3. Purpose – What was the author hoping to accomplish or communicate in writing this story?
    4. Figurative language- Figurative language is writing or speech not meant to be interpreted literally. It is often used to create vivid impressions by setting up comparisons between dissimilar things. Common figures of speech are metaphors, similes, and personification.
    5. Symbolism – A symbol is a character, place, thing or event that stands for something else, often an abstract idea.
    6. Theme – A theme is a general message or insight into life revealed through a literary work. It is basically what the writing suggests about people or life.

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