swot analysis of hulu

This whole class will be about company HULU!

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You have at this point created your thread (the question you wish to answer) and the SWOT should tie to elements that impact the outcome of answering the thread for all four perspectives. Remember the two questions when trying to put the element in the right bucket:a) Do I have control or not? b) Is it good or bad for the company?

Internal Questions to Ask:

  1. Identify whether your company has a competitive advantage or disadvantage in its primary industry.
  2. Evaluate your company against the four generic building blocks of competitive advantage: efficiency, quality, innovation, and responsiveness to customers. How does this exercise help you understand the performance of your company relative to its competitors?
  3. What are the distinctive competencies of your company?
  4. What roles have prior strategies played in shaping the distinctive competencies of your company? What has been the role of luck?
  5. Do the strategies your company is currently pursuing build on its distinctive competencies? Are they an attempt to build new competencies?
  6. What are the barriers to imitating the distinctive competencies of your company?
  7. Is there any evidence that your company finds it difficult to adapt to changing industry conditions? If so, why do you think this is the case?

External Questions to Ask:

  1. Apply the Five Forces Model to the industry in which your company is based. What does this model tell you about the nature of competition in the industry?
  2. Are any changes taking place in the macroenvironment that might have an impact, positive or negative, on the industry in which your company is based? If so, what are these changes, and how might they affect the industry?
  3. Identify any strategic groups that might exist in the industry. How does the intensity of competition differ across these strategic groups?
  4. How dynamic is the industry in which your company is based? Is there any evidence that innovation is reshaping competition or has done so in the recent past?
  5. In what stage of its lifecycle is the industry in which your company is based? What are the implications of this for the intensity of competition now? In the future?
  6. Is your company part of an industry that is becoming more global? If so, what are the implications of this change for competitive intensity?
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