week 9 discussion stephen paye 1

Take a position different from theirs, and elaborate on whether or not the War on Drugs has benefited society. A few sentences and a question. Also, reference the student by name or in a way that you are replying to them directly. PLEASE REPLY AS IF YOU AND STEPHEN IS HAVING A CONVERSATION. LOGIN IN FOR CLARITY. EX, HI STEPHEN.. I AGREE WITH YOU…

The War on Drugs

Drug abuse has been a problem in the United States for centuries. However, it is in the 20th century that drug abuse surfaced every state of the country and became a national concern. President Richard Nixon might not have been the first person to have coined the phrase “War on Drugs” but he made it popular when he became the first president to use that phrase in his 1970s speech. He was expressing his sincere concerns of how the drug trade in the country has ravaged families and wrecked the lives and futures of young people. He viewed drugs as the number one public enemy of the country and launched an offensive approach that was dedicated to fighting drugs from supply and demand aspects of it.

Both the federal and local governments have waged war on drug abuse with the first federal law against drugs in the United State dating back to 1930. Several policies have since been made to curb the spread and use of drugs in the country. In 1971, President Nixon waged an all offensive war on drugs that aimed at dealing with the problem. The Nixon administration identified Mexico as the drug hub in the region, prompting the Congress to make legislation that helped the country to collaborate with the Mexican and launch an interdiction on the Mexican soil. The US spent billions of dollars on the war against drug abuse of which a considerable portion was used to close the Mexican border. The war affected business between the two countries. However, just when drug supply from Mexico reduced, Colombia became a perfect replacement and drug supply still flowed into the country. An all offensive war on drugs in the US has proved inappropriate and a waste of taxpayer’s money. Perhaps a different approach that is more educative than offensive might be better.


Sharp, Elaine B. 1994. The Dilemma of Drug Policy in the United States. New York, NY: Harper Collins College Publishers.

Nadelmann, Ethan. (1991). “The Case for Legalization,” in James Inciardi, ed.,

The Drug Legalization Debate. (pp.19-20). Newbury Park, CA: Sage

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