what is the importance of a leader managing a multicultural organization

what is the importance of a leader managing a multicultural organization

Reflect on a leader who you believe is effective in managing a multicultural organization and is creating a culturally synergistic work setting. Describe the leader and the organization.

The individual you select should be someone you can readily research and gather information about. The individual can be a past or present Fortune 500 executive, a political figure, or someone from within your own organization. It’s your choice! The only stipulation is that this individual must manage a multicultural work group and must have adopted a leadership approach that creates cultural synergy.

After you have selected someone that you believe meets these requirements, write a paper that addresses the following:

  1. Describe the leader and the organization.
  2. Discuss why this leader is effective in a multicultural setting. Be specific: What exactly has this leader done to create cultural synergy?
  3. Based on what you have learned about managing diversity, what more can this leader and/or the organization do to enhance cultural synergy?

Paper should be 4 pages. Title page, abstract and reference pages are separate.

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