write asinment

prompt: 1

Think about each dimension of your health. For each dimension, list what you believe to be a strength or positive characteristic (examples are provided). Also, list an aspect of each dimension that you would like to improve.

Physical Dimension : To maintain overall physical health by eating well, engaging in a balanced exercise program, and having appropriate medical check-ups.

Strong Characteristic:

Aspect to Improve:

EmotionalDimension :To have a positive self-concept, deal constructively with your feelings, and develop positive qualities such as optimism,trust, and determination.

Strong Characteristic:

Aspect to Improve:

Social Dimension :To develop and maintain meaningful relationships with a network of friends and family members and to contribute to the community (e.g., friendly, helpful, compassionate, supportive, charitable).

Strong Characteristic:

Aspect to Improve:

IntellectualDimension : To actively pursue a wide understanding about topics and issues,think critically about important questions, and to identify problems and develop solutions based on sound judgment (e.g., curious, analytical, creative, objective).

Strong Characteristic:

Aspect to Improve:

Spiritual Dimension : To develop a set of beliefs, principles, or values that gives meaning or purpose to your life; to develop faith in something beyond yourself (e.g., religious faith, service to others, respect for life).

Strong Characteristic:

Aspect to Improve:

What did you learn about yourself by completing this self-assessment?

What are two things you can start doing this week to improve upon your weakest dimensions of health?

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